ME? Well, My name is Yvonne and I am a SAHM to FOUR beautiful, energetic, wild, lovable, crazy and amazing children. I am married to my best friend and the Love of my life. And I have a creative side that needed an outlet so I started this blog to share my creations with all of you. One day my oldest daughter, all of 6 years old, looked at me while I was crafting and said "you sure are One Creative Momma" and the name for my blog was born.


Friday, December 31, 2010

Yeah for Circles!

Congratulations OWH!!!

For that little ® you worked so hard for!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Getting Organized!

New Years Resolutions...

Have you made a New Years resolution to get organized and stay that way? I have!
To start my year off right I decided to start using the Motivated Moms 2011 Chore list. You might be asking - What is this Yvonne? Well here's how they describe it on their website: "Motivated Moms is a printable chore planning system to help you have a clean and organized home and still have time for yourself!"
To find out more about this Chore list and what products are available please click here and order.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mrs. Claus Costume

Getting into Character for a good Cause!

My sister asked me to make her a Mrs. Claus costume for their Christmas Eve Harley ride to an orphanage in Orange County. One little girl asked my sister if she was really Mrs. Claus!!! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Teacher Gifts

For Christmas this year I made my daughters' teachers cards. I made 4 of each card and placed 1 of each card in a decorative tray with our family Christmas card and a small nutcracker.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gift Card Holders

Christmas Gifts

This year I had to buy a few gift cards and it was just easier for me to buy them at the grocery store then run around to all the stores buying individual cards. My problem with gift cards is how to wrap them to make them just as special as a real tangible gift. Grocery store gift cards are bigger since they are displayed on a hanging card so I decided to make a card or holder for them. I hope you enjoy my project!

Cardstock, Ribbon, Pattern paper, Cricut sentiment, Stickers, Scoreboard and Adhesive

Score a 5 x 12 strip of cardstock at 5", 5 1/4", 10 3/4" and 11".
Glue the 5 x 5 side to the larger side of the card. After drying time, slide your gift card into the opening.

Tie ribbon around the card like a present and attach adhesive squares to hold it in place.

Glue a 4 x 4 square of pattern paper to the front of the card and a 4 x 4 1/2 square to the back of the card. Add stickers, other embellishments and a tag.

And your done!
A little Merry Christmas for a grocery store gift card!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Cards

First 50 Cards...

I just finished making my Christmas cards and now have to sign and mail them out.

Once I mail them out I'll share what they look like!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Christmas!

Our Gift

This year the hub and I decided not to buy gifts for each other. Instead we decided to get our Mastiff, Rufus, a little brother. Well, yesterday the Hub brought our new addition home and he is just adorable. He's 1/4 Bull mastiff, 1/4 Neapolitan mastiff, 1/2 French Bordeaux mastiff.

So without further ado here is our little guy.


Rufus and Amos

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Decking the Halls~Part 2

Holiday Bows

When I was in Jr High my cousin Michelle taught me how to make bows. She would make them for Christmas each year and I always loved how beautiful they were on her tree, garland and wreaths. I now make these bows for my Christmas decorations and wrapping.

These bows will decorate the library at school tomorrow for the Faculty and Staff Christmas Luncheon and then follow me home to decorate my fireplace.

They are made from 3" wire edge ribbon found at Costco and measure 10"x 8" with 14" tails.

3 down and 3 more to go!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Decking the Halls~Part 1

Snowmen and Snowflakes!

These are the first of many decorations going up in my home this week. I love to see all the snowmen and snowflakes sparkle from the kitchen as I cook.

I unpacked a few more boxes and found more snowmen and blue glass ornaments. I guess I jumped the gun on posting a picture. :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

OWH - Valentines


These cards are for OWH and the Special Mission to get 4000 Valentines sent in by Dec 1st - if we meet that goal, our heroes get 4,000 cookies from Archway! Click here for more information.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Another Steal!

K&Company Stickers

I had to run out to the grocery store this morning for a few Thanksgiving ingredients and I happened to find these stickers on a random shelf. I picked them up and asked an employee how much they were. Each of these packages rang up for $2.99 and each one had 3 sets of stickers in them. So the STEAL is that these dimensional stickers were under a dollar each and will look amazing on all the Christmas cards I'll be making next weekend!!!

Santas that sparkle

Snow Globes and Seals

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another Thanksgiving Treat Basket!

Christmas Centerpieces

Large Christmas Treat Baskets

On December 3rd, the PTG at my daughters school will be hosting a luncheon for the faculty and staff. I thought these treat baskets would make a fun addition to the center of the tables.

The project was created by The Cricut Chick and a video tutorial can be found HERE.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Hop Inspiration

Matchbox Valentine Cards

I found so much inspiration during the OWH Veterans Day weekend blog hop!!!I hope to try many new layouts, techniques and maybe even attempt to use Digi stamps! :)

Here is my first project inspired from April. Her matchbox cards are adorable and you can find them here.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Operation Write Home - VALENTINE BLOGHOP!

Welcome to my Blog!
I'm very excited to be a participating in this Valentine Bloghop for Operation Write Home. Making cards for our Heroes each holiday is a rewarding experience and we'd love for all of you to join us. Currently OWH is no longer accepting Christmas cards; however, Valentine cards are being collected until January 7th.

I hope you enjoy my card!

Operation Write Home has been selected as a finalist in the Joanns Craft for a Cause contest and NEEDS your votes. Please click the following link and VOTE everyday for OWH!!!

Now it's time to visit Joanne at Sleepy in Seattle

Here is the link for the Dahlia Flower Tutorial:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hero Cards!

Happy Veterans Day!

For all the Heroes serving now and for all those who gave their lives so that we may have Freedom especially my Dad who served in Vietnam and my Great Grandfather who served in WWII.

I made these cards this morning for the teachers at my daughters school. Everyone in the school is writing Hero letters for Operation Write Home. The school is also having a prayer service today and Tomorrow everyone can wear Jeans and the School's spirit shirt if they make a donation to OWH.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Treat Basket

Mini basket

I was inspired by yesterdays project and decided to make another treat basket but in a smaller size. Christmas will be here before we know it and it's good to start early on all those holiday gifts.


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